Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the philosophy that illness is caused by an imbalance of vital energies in the body. Acupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) that focuses on restoring the energy balance in the body to promote healing.
The technique requires the insertion of fine needles into the dog’s body at specified points, called acupuncture points, where nerves and blood vessels converge. TCVM calls these sites meridians, which are believed to be energy channels that transmit energy throughout the dog’s body. The inserted needles guide “chi” or vital energy along the meridians. Placed in these identified points, the needles enhance blood circulation which improves healing ability. Acupuncture also stimulates the nervous system and increases the release of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substances to reduce a dog’s discomfort.
Research shows that acupuncture works through modulating the nerve pathways (neuromodulation) by physically interacting with nerve fibers in the skin and underlying tissues. This neuromodulation can result in the release of beneficial chemicals from the brain and spinal cord including opioid-like neurochemicals. It also causes releases, close to the needle, of substances that encourage blood flow to the area, interrupting pain signaling, and releasing trigger points causing painful spasms.
"This neuromodulation can result in the release of beneficial chemicals from the brain and spinal cord including opioid-like neurochemicals."
Similarly, another technique called acupressure involves applying pressure to acupuncture points rather than inserting a needle is another option. This less invasive technique is preferred for locations that are hard to reach with needles, or for dogs that may not tolerate the needles.
Laser acupuncture is also used to target specific acupuncture points for deeper tissue effects than acupressure.
How can acupuncture and acupressure help my dog?
- Acupuncture improves blood flow thereby increasing the oxygenation of tissues.
- It also reduces the amount of waste product produced and increases the amount of metabolic waste the body can remove, so there is a systemic benefit.
- Acupuncture relaxes muscles, both where the needle is inserted and those located elsewhere in the body, so it relieves pain both locally and generally.
- By stimulating the release of naturally occurring pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances, acupuncture may decrease the amount of pain medication needed to treat these dogs.
- Most pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs are quite safe but may affect organ function, so veterinarians closely monitor organ function through routine laboratory testing to minimize the risk.
- Acupuncture has no systemic side effects, so it is particularly helpful for dogs in poor health.
"Acupuncture has no systemic side effects, so it is particularly helpful for dogs in poor health."
As with most medical protocols, a combination of treatments often provides the best results. Fortunately, acupuncture and medical therapy can be safely used together, which is beneficial when neither method can provide the desired response alone.
What conditions can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is often used to treat dogs with arthritis and joint inflammation. For example, dogs with hip dysplasia or degenerative joint disease are good candidates for acupuncture. Dogs with chronic back pain and even dogs with serious spinal cord conditions also benefit from acupuncture.
It should be noted that although acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation associated with many medical conditions, traditional medicine is the first line of treatment for infection, cancer, and major organ disease. If acupuncture or acupressure cannot cure a dog’s condition, they may make it more tolerable.
What can I expect an acupuncture treatment process to be like?
The first appointment with a veterinary acupuncturist involves a general medical assessment. The primary care veterinarian will send medical records outlining a history of the dog’s condition to the acupuncturist. Lab results, radiographs, and current medical therapy will be documented so the acupuncturist is fully informed. The veterinary acupuncturist will perform his/her own physical examination, discuss treatment options, and explain exactly what happens during an acupuncture session.
Even though dogs may be a little nervous in a new clinical setting, most become very relaxed after needle insertion. Depending on the conditions addressed, the actual session may last 20-30 minutes. The doctor outlines a treatment protocol that may involve one to three sessions per week for several weeks. Often, the number of sessions is tapered off as the dog improves, so visits are scheduled less frequently.
"...the goal is to achieve the greatest degree of improvement and maintain that level with the fewest treatments necessary."
The effects of acupuncture treatment are cumulative so there is a benefit to repeated sessions, but the goal is to achieve the greatest degree of improvement and maintain that level with the fewest treatments necessary. There are few side effects with acupuncture, but some dogs may be sore or stiff following a treatment session, while other patients appear tired. These symptoms usually resolve within 24-48 hours.
Our Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist is trained in dry needling, electro acupuncture, and aquapuncture techniques. During the initial consultation, treatments options and recommendations will be tailored to meet your pet's specific needs. The benefits of each treatment will be explained in detail as well. The conditions that she most typically treats includes arthritis, lameness, hind end weakness/incoordination, spinal conditions (IVDD, spondylosis, etc), and general pain control. Below is more information about acupuncture and the principles behind it.